Wednesday, December 24, 2008

rakquinnza 2008

consider it a success, even though the quinn family was a little late in arriving. polish food, white wine, bad jokes, family, chocolate, and the new tradition addition----let's call it archival research. ally dug up all of her old journals, beginning with the unforgettable tales of middle school misadventure all through all the drama of high school (does he like me? i think he likes me, but i don't know if i like him, but if he likes me i'm afraid that i'll like him so i think i'll like his friend, but what if his friend actually likes me?). there were some unbelievable quotes, a virginity promise card, old letters, poems, incriminating photos...all of which, obviously, inspired me to excavate my room to find my own journals. i managed to locate 4 (ally had about 12) and they have yet to disappoint. let's just say that my blog pails in comparison to the juicy angst of youth. for instance:

"i just wish so much that the 'perfect ending' will happen...that the cowboy and his cowgirl will ride off into the sunset...and life happily ever after....together."

...yes. i did write that. in 9th grade. another gem:

"'and even though the moment passed me by/ i still can't turn away'....this song is so perfect for the whole situation with the boy. it's like, it's over, but i can't let go."

thank you, goo goo dolls, for providing me with such articulate, thoughtful lyrics that seemed to be tailor-made to every single encounter i had with the male species.

anyways, it's officially christmas, and i'm off somewhere in 9th grade. in the words of michael scott: happy birthday, jesus. sorry your party sucked. (not very inspirational---like all of these quotes from my journals!--- but it's the first thing that came to mind) i hope that all two of you who might possibly stumble upon this blog mid-february will have had a lovely, lovely holiday. i am expecting it to be nothing less.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

in a winter wonderland, not walking

i survived four (consecutive!) days in the north's version of winter and need the commemorative t-shirt desperately. i do not plan on repeating.

besides learning how to navigate snow drifts in what i like to call "sarah's version of winter clothes", i discovered some other interesting things during my northern exposure. here is a brief list of fun facts learned:

1. i am part native american. time to claim a tribe number and transfer to harvard.

2. the quinn women are fertile. my mother warned me to "be careful"--- oh, if only she knew.

3. the meaning of the word "primitive".

4. everything anyone ever wants/ needs to know about rush limbaugh.

5. snow isn't as fun as the movies make it appear.

5 facts in 4 days. and now it's christmas eve. oh, there's no place like atlanta for the holidays.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

book ends. and lists.

with school finished, my to-do list has gone from "everything....and then study" to "....i'll do this later." i decided to update my dear blog because it has been horribly neglected...well, ever since i started writing in it. kind of like an abandoned brain child of sorts. anyways, there is a stack of books next to me that has been growing since this summer, when ancient art history, a painting class, and an exciting job kept me from reading them. this newfound freedom from the chains of academia has inspired me to read as many of them over break as i can. seriously, what else am i going to do (sidenote: my christmas break involves a roadtrip to illinois. that's 24 hours of a corn field panorama. now you understand my situation.) so, here they are, in the order of their stacking:

1. ghandi: an autobiography (purchased this summer with catherine in a really cool book store we found in little five. never even opened it.)
2. the blood of flowers (i have no idea where this came from, but the cover is pretty)
3. atonement (half-way finished.....last year. from what i can remember it was good....)
4. nine parts of desire: the hidden world of islamic women (once again, where did this come from? who cares i'll read it.)
5. things fall apart (i love africa)
6. infidel (this was the first thing my mom threw at me when i got home. something about refugees. awesome, sounds like a page-turner.)
7. the voices of silence (um it's huge.)
8. the namesake (saw the movie last year....wanted to read the book...last year...)
9. interpreter of maladies (by the same author as the namesake. man i must have bought all of these when i actually had money)
10. love in the time of cholera (suggested to me by someone. plus who doesn't love cholera?)
11. stone virgin (this has got to be a cruel joke)
12. great masters of western art (the equivalent of a picture book. plus a lot of scholarly text.)
13. a lesson before dying (another book thrown at me by my mother. damn you book club.)
14. booker t. washington ad the art of self-representation (bieze's book. got it for my birthday last year. haven't made it even half-way through.)
15. the mists of avalon (recommended by courtney. also very large.)

a visual.......

this list will serve as my latest "to do." we'll see what happens.....stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

finally finals. finally.

ode to finals

it makes no difference to me
whether or not lady sarah bunbury
is sacrificing to the graces or getting high
as long as i can recognize that when the ocean and the sky
are vast and unbroken, that is a symbol of the sublime
who knew you could make art history rhyme?

bernini and i are no longer friends
after writing that 20 page paper we will never make amends
samson victorious and brooke boothby should be gay lovers
it is times like these that one discovers
i should have just gotten a business degree.

peace out finals

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i have never, ever been so proud to be an american.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

brain tears

today i sneezed a lot. now, i am a pretty frequent sneezer in general, probably on average i get about 3-5 good ones a day. this is probably due to the fact that i am allergic to taylor. anyways, today i think i sneezed closer to 30 times. and this is only a count as of 7:22 pm- there are many hours left in the day. what is the cause of this, you ask? the possibilities are endless. perhaps i am having a bad reaction to the amish wasabi peas that my parents brought me back from pittsburgh. alternatively, my sneezes might be correlated with the toxic aromas of east campus. whatever the reason, i am afraid that i am sneezing out my brains, which would be terribly inconvenient in the grand scheme of things. what if i lose short term memory and cannot remember useful information obtained through facebook stalking rampages (elliot stokes' interests include disposable cameras. i love disposable cameras. we should date.), or conversations i just had with important people, or even what i was just blogging about in my blogspot.

i am not even kidding i just sneezed again. 31.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

cookies and capitalism

"Capitalism, in essence is objectification-- assigning monetary or numerical value to everything, rather that respecting its actual worth from a human perspective. With objectification from capitalism, trees are not trees, but rather 'natural resources' -- resources to be used, cut down, destroyed; the land rape, fragile ecosystem raped and natural beauty raped. This objectification pervades every aspect of our existence. The filter of objectification can lead humanity into doing some pretty horrific things, such as tattooing numbers on people's arm because they are not humans, but only a number. A culture that puts objectification on a pedestal will end up burning people." (cooper kaminer)

more to come after art history. i love learning!

Monday, July 28, 2008

diction of the day

people should fall in love with their eyes closed. just close your eyes. don't look. (andy warhol)

"i think i'm dying" (me)
"ahhahhahahahahahaha! oh, wait, sorry, really?" (taylor)

Monday, July 21, 2008


the brainchild of erin "i have nothing going on in my life and am constantly bored" freeman and myself. we don't know exactly what we're going to do and we don't know exactly what is going to happen, but it will be brilliant. and aesthetically pleasing, obviously.

i bought colored pencils.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

artistic ventures

taylor painted me blue today, so i decided to make a blog.